Subject: Class Requirements Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:58 pm
You never, EVER, want to level a base class all the way up. Once you reach lvl 30 on the primary class you should start the secondary class and lvl it to 15. Once you've done that switch back to your primary and do the lvl 30 quest to unlock the Job classes. Below is a list of what you need to crossclass to unlock these classes.
PLD (Paladin) Lvl 30Gladiator Lvl 15Conjurer
WAR (Warrior) Lvl 30Marauder Lvl 15Gladiator
DRK (Dark Knight) Lvl 60Heavensward Unlocks in Ishgard with an automatic lvl 30.
SCH (Scholar) Lvl 30Arcanist Lvl 15Conjurer
WHM (White Mate) Lvl 30Conjurer Lvl 15Arcanist
AST (Astrologian) Lvl 60Heavensward Unlocks in Ishgard with an automatic lvl 30.
DRG (Dragoon) Lvl 30Lancer Lvl 15Marauder
BRD (Bard) Lvl 30Archer Lvl 15Pugilist
SMN (Summoner) Lvl 30Arcanist Lvl 15Thaumaturge
BLM (Black Mage) Lvl 30Thaumaturge Lvl 15Archer
MNK (Monk) Lvl 30Pugilist Lvl 15Lancer
NIN (Ninja) Lvl 30Rogue Lvl 15Pugilist
MCH (Machinist) Lvl 60Heavensward Unlocks in Ishgard with an automatic lvl 30.